Goddess Venus is quick to learn the manipulative ways of a hot mean girl and has married some beta for his money. Obviously this loser doesn't get ANYTHING from Venus and has taken up golfing as a way to distract himself from her sexual desires. Today happened to be their Anniversary (which is code for EXSPENSIVE gifts for Venus).
This loser was too busy "golfing" that it didnt' end up getting her anything and thinks it can "make it up to her" with sex. EWWWWW!!!!! Furious, Goddess Venus decides to "go along" with this cherade and make her idiot husband believe that he will ACTUALLY get lucky LOL. Little does this beta know its about to get its balls kicked, LITERALLY.
Goddess Venus does NOT hold back and assults her cuckold husband physically AND verebally! Talk about a real blow to its "manhood" if you can even call it that HAHAHAHAHAHA.
- Princess Amber
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