Sam and his lover Avril returned home from a date. adele meets her owners, but Avril noticed that while she and Sam were away, the whore adele did not wash her things. Avril angrily ordered the dirty whore to first get rid of the smell of their sweat and clean their armpits. Sam and Avril are very sweaty, so adele needs to try hard. The taste and smell of sweat makes adele gag, but Avril mercilessly orders her to continue until the smell of sweat disappears completely. When their armpits were clean, Sam ordered them to sniff their sweaty shoes after their date. With her dirty tongue, adele began to wash the sweat from Avril's sandals. Afterwards, she picked up Sam's sneakers and.. how much they stink. This made Avril and Sam laugh very much. Avril took out her boyfriend’s insoles and order the dirty whore to lick the sweat from them that had been accumulating there for several months. When adele started to lose consciousness, Avril revived her with her sweaty socks. She ordered them to be washed in her mouth, after which the whore adele began to worship their feet from sweat.
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